Institute News
25.04.2022 | 10:32Lecture on the theme "Rational nutrition and health".
20.04.2022 | 03:47Lecture on "Self-management , self-discipline (Time management)"
18.04.2022 | 04:33Doctors of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry organized a medical examination for residents of the "mashinasozlar" and "fidoiylar" microdistricts of the Yashnabad district.
18.04.2022 | 04:255th year students of the Faculty of "Medical Pedagogy and Traditional Medicine" of the Tashkent State Dental Institute are undergoing pedagogical practice.
15.04.2022 | 06:23Визит профессоров и преподавателей Ташкентского государственного стоматологического института в Каттакурганский ЖСТ.
15.04.2022 | 06:20Сотрудники отдела факультета международного образования ТГСИ посетили школы.
14.04.2022 | 04:58On April 9, 2022, the Information and Resource Center of the Tashkent State Dental Institute hosted an event dedicated to the 686th anniversary of the birth of the great commander and statesman Amir Temur.
11.04.2022 | 03:19A “Job Fair for Students” was held on April 7 in a Japanese park with the participation of university administrators and students.
08.04.2022 | 02:57Вниманию докторантов и самостоятельных соискателей ТГСИ, институтов последипломного образования при ВУЗах, республиканских научно-исследовательских институтов и исследовательских центров!
07.04.2022 | 17:26April 7, 2022 hosted the Second Republican International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the International Health Day on "Modern achievements and prospects for the protection of public health."
07.04.2022 | 17:22On April 7, 2022 at the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry was held a meeting with representatives of the health departments of Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions.
07.04.2022 | 17:15"Build your future, be smart with money!" training under the motto
07.04.2022 | 17:07To the attention of doctoral students and independent researchers!
07.04.2022 | 17:02On April 6, 2022, the 8th meeting of the Council of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry was held.
06.04.2022 | 03:08Nicolas Meyry Visited Tashkent State Dental Institute Export and International Sales Manager at Produits Dentaires (PD) SA Vevy, Switzerland.