International Staff
Yarmuxamedov Bexzod Xamidovich
Vice-rector for international relations
Reception time: Weekdays 0830-1700
+99890 123-45-67
Alimova Dono Mirjamolovna
Head of the International Cooperation Department
Reception time: Weekdays 1400-1600
+ 99890 928 71 17
Abdulaxatov Jamshid Qobilovich
International Student Coordinator
Reception Hours: Weekdays 0830-1700
Karimova Safira Abdisalomovna
Xalqaro hamkorlik bo’lim boshlig’i
Reception time: Saturday 0830-1700
+ 99890 928-71-17
Bekov Malik Xaldarovich
International Projects Coordinator
Reception time: Weekdays 0830-1700
The international department is a structural unit of the institute, created to organize the development of international cooperation of the institute in order to train international-level specialists in the field of educational, research and social activities.
The main goal of the Department is to integrate the institute into the international educational space, develop partnerships with foreign countries and expand the geography of international cooperation, streamline the activities of dean's offices and departments of TSDI in the field of external relations, simplify the procedure for obtaining foreign passports and visas for institute employees, in necessary cases - for students, as well as in order to increase the efficiency of the institute’s international activities.
Main functions of the department:
• protocol: organizing receptions for representatives and delegations of foreign universities, carrying out correspondence with universities and other cooperation organizations, ensuring the signing of protocols on cooperation, etc.;
• consular: issuing foreign passports, visas for university employees, and, if necessary, for students, as well as providing visa support to foreign guests;
• analytical: factual analysis of the university’s external relations based on the information available in the department about entries and exits, negotiations held, etc.
Department tasks:
• Processing and analysis of information on international cooperation issues received by the University.
• Drawing up reports and proposals on international cooperation issues.
• Submitting to the rector of TSDI for approval a preliminary plan for the reception of foreign delegations and individual representatives of foreign universities, as well as a plan for travel abroad for representatives and delegations of the university.
• Providing information to the relevant departments and dean's offices of the university about quotas for the exchange of students, teachers, graduate students and interns with specific foreign universities.
• Preparation and technical support for official meetings, negotiations, seminars, etc., held within the framework of the reception plan approved by the rector.
• Registration of international passports for representatives and delegations of the university (if necessary, for students), as well as visa documents.
• Issuing invitations and providing visa support for foreign delegations and representatives of foreign universities.
• Preliminary forecasting of the necessary costs for ensuring external relations of the university based on the plan for receiving foreign delegations and individuals approved by the rector, as well as the plan for travel abroad for representatives and delegations of the university.