Institute News

Z.M.Sirojiddinova, head specialist of TDSI academic lyceums and technical schools methodological assistance sector N.Z.Kholmatova

Z.M.Sirojiddinova, director of the Tashkent State Dental Institute ARM, N.Z.Kholmatova, chief specialist of the methodological support sector for academic lyceums and technical schools of TDSI, M.Z. Atadjievalar, senior teacher of the Department of "Medical and Biological Chemistry" of TDSI, head of the talented students department, Tashkent visited the academic lyceum in order to ensure the implementation of the meeting No. 07-B-08 held in the city hall on February 29 of this year, and got acquainted with the activities of the academic lyceum ARM, the general fund, the literary fund.

At the same time, IRC reviewed the conditions created for students' independent education. They inspected the activity of the material and technical base of the academic lyceum and organized a roundtable discussion with students.


2024-04-27 07:33:55 print