About Tashkent State Stomatology Institute

The history of the institution of higher education begins on July 22, 2014, when the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to establish the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry was adopted. According to the decision, training of mature, educated and, most importantly, new specialists in the field of dentistry, suitable and specific to the world's requirements, and on this basis, creating all the conditions for their studies, providing them with modern equipment, and introducing new information technologies into the field of education, helping students to become mature personnel adopted for the purpose of giving. This educational institution was established on the basis of the Tashkent Medical Academy, and branches of the Tashkent State Dental Institute were established in Andijan, Bukhara and Samarkand regions of Uzbekistan.

Tashkent State Dental Institute. This place is one of the leading and prestigious medical universities in Uzbekistan and Central Asia. Our institute is updating educational programs for students every day. New scientific research is being developed and we are constantly improving ourselves. The institute organizes international congresses with the participation of well-known professors and real specialists in the field of dentistry. Also, foreign teachers are invited and master classes are held. Our degrees are accredited worldwide, making them an excellent choice for international students.

The mission of the Tashkent State Dental Institute is to achieve and maintain high quality standards of medical education, scientific research, medical care and continuous qualification of doctors, as well as promotion of national values ​​in the modern conditions of globalization.

There are 7 faculties in the Tashkent State Dental Institute, they are as follows and their tasks are brief:

The mission of the Faculty of Children's Dentistry of TSDI is to create an innovative environment focused on developing practice, for training competitive specialists who provide high-quality medical services to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The mission of the Faculty of Dentistry of TSDI is to improve and develop high-quality medical education integrated into the world educational standard aimed at the achievements of science, technology, technology and the innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, competitive education in accordance with the needs of the labor market, society, economy and the state. consists of implementing lim programs.

The task of the Faculty of Medicine, Pedagogy and General Medicine of TSDI is to prepare highly skilled, qualified and competitive graduates; formation of high-quality higher professional education for the residents of the region.

The task of the Faculty of International Education of TSDI is to prepare high-level international specialists who have modern systematic knowledge, the necessary skills and qualifications for effective participation in solving medical, scientific, socio-economic problems for the Republic of Uzbekistan and other countries. It is to advance the humanitarian and spiritual tasks facing the Republic of Uzbekistan and the international community.

The mission of TSDI faculty is to increase human potential for the Republic of Uzbekistan through the system of preservation, distribution and creation of knowledge, socio-cultural values, broadcasting of modern information, the faculty prepares the future intellectual elite of the society based on the integration of education and science and news. creates.

Faculty of work with foreign students.This year, the rector, vice-rectors and heads of departments, faculty deans, heads of departments and lecturers of the Faculty of Foreign Students-Tashkent State Dental Institute returned from more than 15 foreign countries. Participation in training, scientific-practical conferences, seminars, symposia, meetings within various projects in Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Finland, France, Japan. they did

In addition, more than 40 students, master's and doctoral students of our institute participated in long-term and short-term training, Olympiads, contests and contests in Great Britain, Germany, South Korea, Turkey, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan this year.

Currently, the Tashkent State Dental Institute has a total of more than 110 agreements and memoranda with universities, institutes, medical institutions and private companies of different countries of the world.

In January-September 2022, 38 delegations from countries such as the USA, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, South Korea, Italy, Kazakhstan, Egypt, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, etc. officially visited our institute, and master- actively participated in classes, lectures, forums, congresses.

Faculty of folk medicine

The direction of the TSDI master's program is to ensure the implementation of the personnel training policy, based on competitive professional and scientific-pedagogical personnel, the principles of continuous development and the trinity of science and practice.

The mission of the TSDI clinical residency is to improve people's health by teaching students and physicians the latest advances in medical science and practice.

TSDI has modern infrastructure and equipment. The institute has competitive academic programs as well as active research activities. Students regularly participate in international and national conferences, seminars and symposia, and are awarded state and foreign scholarships. More than 500 professors-teachers make up 70% of the students of the institute and are leading in the republic. Every year more than 300 students study in the leading clinics of the Tashkent State Dental Institute. Improve, dream and learn new things with us. Improve, dream and learn new things with us!