TSDI students study transfer issues according to information.


1.     Foreign in the states From HEIs in Uzbekistan foreign and non-state from HEIs the following don't go on the way to TSDI study transfer can :


- From July 15 to August 5 until my.uzbmb.uz site through belongs to documents present reached without register pass ,

- State test center by in the test exams held attend, the test results according to from September starting from to TSDI study transfer for appeal to do

2.     in Uzbekistan state from HEIs the following don't go on the way to TSDI study transfer can :

-         From July 15 to August 5 until transfer.edu.uz site through register pass ,

-         From September starting from to TSDI study transfer for appeal to do

TSDI BSc education directions :

-         Dentistry ( for 2-5 courses )

-         Treatment work (for 2-3, 5-6 courses )

-         People medicine (for 2-4 courses )

-         High nursing work (for 2nd year)

Republic is a state higher education inter-institutional read winter 2 excuses to move to the reason basically permission given :

-          student family dry relationship with marriage a friend constant lives in the area To OTM study transfer for appeal when doing

-          state servant the work place has changed in case his marriage a friend or adult not enough child study transfer for appeal when doing ( relevant ministry / office of the leader recommendation based on ).

-          Other in cases " internal to "perevod". permission not given

    Foreign in the states from OTM read winter when moving :

-         suitable and kindred spirit education direction​ from the student separately talent is required education directions according to professional ( creative ) exams , others education directions tests on​ as a result transition balini collection is required. In this professional ( creative ) exams relevant OTM, tests and by DTM will be held .

-          tooth​ from Bali scored low​ to students classified payment contract based on study to move permission is given

-          suitable and kindred spirit was not education directions to move permission not done .

 in Uzbekistan foreign and non-state from OTM study transfer foreign from OTM study transfer order such as organize will be done .

-         suitable and kindred spirit was not education direction belongs to bachelor's degree education direction for defined classified payment contract one once payment based on moving can​

     Applications the following electron platforms through acceptance will be :

-         ➡️ transfer.edu.uz — of the republic one from OTM another To OTM or within a higher education institution ;

-         ➡️ my.dtm.uz — foreign and non-state higher education from institutions .

-         🔚 Documents acceptance until August 5 ( this day too) cont is enough

 Necessary documents :

-         ◾️ application ( online way )

-         ◾️ transcript or rating notebook (JPEG or Pdf format )

-         ◾️ academic reference ( read winter restorers for ).

TDSI Masters specialties :

-         Foreign higher education institutions master's studying at the stage students read the winter Uzbekistan Republic higher education institutions to be moved permission not done . .

Education languages :

-         Uzbek year

-         Russian language

-         English language

3.     in Uzbekistan​ state of HEIs joint education from programs the following don't go on the way to TSDI it 's winter rot can :

-         From July 15 to August 5 Read TSDI up to transfer to the commission Rector in the name of application with appeal to do

TDSI bachelor's degree joint education directions :

-         Stomatology ( on the basis of the 3+2 educational program for 1-5 courses ) is a partner HEI in the Russian Federation is located Privolzhsk scientific research medicine university

-         Treatment work ( on the basis of the 4+2 educational program for 1-6 courses ) partner HEI in the Russian Federation is located Privolzhsk scientific research medicine university .

Education languages :

-         Russian language

4.     Foreign in the states From HEIs in Uzbekistan state and non-state from HEIs Foreign state citizens the following don't go on the way to TSDI study transfer can :

-         From July 15 to August 5 Read TSDI up to transfer to the commission Rector in the name of application with appeal to do

TDSI BSc education directions :

-         Dentistry ( for 2-5 courses )

-         Treatment work (for 2-3, 5-6 courses )

-         People medicine (for 2-4 courses )

Education languages :

-         Uzbek year

-         Russian language

-         English language


- in the bedroom accommodation is available it's not ;

- Accept by the commission for rent to be given housing issues​ according to advice group organize is done ;

- In addition questions via Telegram t.me/tsdi2024 send can​


Foreign citizens acceptance to do Call center for :

– phone : +998-50-728-21-26

- telegram: t.me/tsdi2024