Today, the IRC
The total fund consists of: 9097 titles and 116842 copies.
Print run: 116,842 copies
Electronic publications: 5189 copies
Audio: 0 copies
The IRBIS 64+ program server has been installed in the information resource center and staff training in working with this program is planned. IRBIS 64+ (Integrirovannaya rasshirayemaya bibliotechno-informatsionnaya sistema) is an electronic catalog and automated system of the information resource center, covering all aspects of library activities.
To automate and improve the activities of the information resource center, devices and equipment operating on the basis of RFID technology were used, including “UniBook Shielded HF”, “UniBook MINI”, “UniBook SMART Box” (book check-out, return) devices operating on the basis of RFID technology, and “Unibook Cinema” (anti-theft gates) were provided with a single library card (ID card).
All users, professors, teachers, and students have computers connected to the Internet with a speed of TAS-X 600 m/b and a WI-FI system with a speed of 50 Mb.
The literature available in the TDSI ARM fund is being gradually uploaded to the "Single "Electronic Library" platform ( of higher education and scientific research institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The information resource center is comfortable, bright, and equipped with the necessary modern equipment. There are 100-seat study halls, an open library, and a closed library for users.
The information resource center has a total of 6,327 users, of which 5,490 are undergraduate students, 164 are graduate students, 589 are clinical residents, 405 are professors and teachers, and 20 are employees.
All available computers in the Institute ARM are connected to the international scientific databases SCOPUS, Sciencedirect, Springer, Ebsco. All professors, researchers, masters, clinical residents of all departments are registered in the databases and download the necessary articles. Employees of 36 departments have collective subscriptions to international scientific databases. Each department has prepared guides. Every month, the guides monitor the level of use by the employees of the departments.
The Institute's website "ELECTRONIC LIBRARY" section includes electronic forms and bibliographic records of more than 2000 titles (2 TB). The Institute's website "ELECTRONIC LIBRARY" to the section Channel 2112 is also connected.
The Information Resource Center of the Tashkent State Dental Institute purchased 8,882 books in the 2020-2024 academic years. Of these, 1,213 copies of 44 titles were purchased from the Russian publishing house "GEOTAR-MEDIA". Of these, electronic copies of 30 titles were created.