Institute News


On the occasion of “Thursday - Crime Prevention Day”, an event was held at the Tashkent State Dental Institute with the participation of prevention inspectors. This prevention inspector Sh. Bozorov and the Department of Youth Work, Spirituality and Education J. Jabborov gave a report on increasing the effectiveness of legal and preventive control work. The topic was about the methods of fraudsters currently being observed, mainly using rental housing and “Trading” schemes and other methods to defraud citizens, and students were called to be aware. Also, the officials gave explanations on the prevention of crime and violations among young students, as well as increasing their vigilance and not being indifferent to their surroundings.

Also at the event, Senior Lieutenant A. Khayitbayev, Inspector of the Yashnabad District Fire Department, and U. Abduraimov, Head of the Institute's Civil Defense and Labor Protection Department, held talks with professors, students, and responsible employees of the Department of Health and Safety and the Department of Emergency Medicine on preventing and teaching them the correct actions to take in the event of fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, and flashover of air-gas mixtures.

2025-02-28 04:10:27 print