Institute News


Tashkent State Dental Institute

Youth Union Primary Organization

Presenting the

"THREE BOOKS IN A MONTH" project, aimed at increasing students' interest in reading books, making them friends with books, and further improving the reading level of the population.

Project rules:

1. 3 books are provided to students every month!

2. Books are selected taking into account the volume and content.

3. At the beginning of each month, a list of books is formed and students are recommended to read.

4. Students who have read the book are selected 5 days after the end of the month.

5. The selection stage is held in 2 ways.

6. The 3 students who have achieved the highest score will be awarded a one-time cash prize in the amount of 80% of the "Base Calculation Amount".

7. The books submitted to the project and the winning students will be covered on the official channel of the primary organization of the Youth Union of the Tashkent State Dental Institute.

The project is being carried out in collaboration with tutors Khurshida Toshturdiyeva, Kamola Khayitkho'jayeva and Nigina Murotova!

TDSI “Youth Union”


2025-02-04 06:55:44 print