Institute News


A book is an unquenchable light that illuminates a person's path, a source of happiness that gives meaning to human life, a loyal friend who accompanies him in any situation. There is no means to match the powerful power of a book in ensuring the spiritual and moral development of a person. Therefore, from time immemorial, the leaders of enlightenment and wise people have called on all humanity to read books and learn the secrets of science and morality from them.

In accordance with the National Program for the Development and Support of Reading Culture in 2020-2025, the Information and Resource Center of the Tashkent State Stomatological Institute widely promoted reading among teachers and students of the Academic Lyceum of the Tashkent State Stomatological Institute. During the event, educational literature, fiction and magazines were presented from the fund of the institute's information and resource center to the fund of the lyceum information and resource center for the benefit of students.

2025-01-18 06:37:43 print