Institute News

We congratulate Dilorom Abdulazizovna on this high award and wish her further success in her scientific work!

We are pleased to inform you that on September 18, Dilorom Abdulazizovna Ibragimova, assistant professor of the Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology of the Tashkent State Dental Institute, was awarded the Academician Savitsky Prize in the nomination "Rising Star" at the VII International Forum of Oncology and Radiotherapy "For Life" in Moscow. This award is a recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of oncology and radiotherapy and emphasizes the importance of Dilorom Abdulazizovna's contribution to the development of medical science.

The forum brought together leading specialists from different countries, and participation in it became an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss new approaches to the treatment of oncological diseases.

2024-09-19 05:24:14 print