Institute News
On March 25, 2022, the head of the Department of Latin and Foreign Languages of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry, Associate Professor Isroilova M.N. and all professors of the department organized an international scientific-practical conference "Teacher training conference on the theme CEFR".
At the conference Aybolgan Borasheva from Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Flipped Classrooms: Challenges, Best Practices, Outcomes Saloydinova Nargiza CEFR, Senior Lecturer, Department of Latin and Foreign Languages, TDSI Nilufar Sharipova. CEFR ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES, TDSI Iroda Abdunazarova, a teacher at the Department of Latin and Foreign Languages, made an interesting presentation on International certificates for accessing English proficiency, Ismailova Muhayyo Types of crucial certification for ESL teachers.
The conference was rich in questions and answers.