Institute News

Online acceptance of applications for the super-contract and awarding of contracts have begun

Scored points to the limit of acceptance quotas under the approved payment contract:

for applicants who do not reach 1.05 points - 1.5 times;

For those who do not reach 1.06 to 2.05 points - 2.0 times;

For those who do not reach 2.06 to 3.05 points - 2.5 times;

For those who do not reach 3.06 to 4.05 points - 3.0 times.

When calculating the minimum amounts of the payment contract for this category of applicants:

🔹 in higher education institutions, the cost of training according to the basic payment-contract approved by the State Commission (without stipend) is used;

🔸in the higher education institutions with financial independence, the fees for the 2024/2025 academic year are considered to be the same as the above fee-contract amounts (without scholarships) for the bachelor's degree courses.

For information, the minimum amounts of the graded fee-contract value for applicants who expressed a desire to study in addition, with no more than 4.05 points, not less than 56.7 points, are here👈

Basic contract amounts are here👈

❗️Note: applications for the contract are made online through the website

2024-09-05 16:13:46 print