Institute News

⚡️ Test dates for transferring studies from foreign and non-state HEIs have been announced

📆 Tests on transfer of students' studies from HEIs in foreign countries, as well as from foreign and non-governmental HEIs in Uzbekistan to state HEIs will be held on August 19-20.

Tests are organized in two shifts:

1️⃣-shift from 08:00 to 11:00;

It will take place in the 2nd shift from 15:00 to 18:00.

⏳ Tests will be held in 2 specialties and 3 compulsory subjects, and applicants will be given 30 tests in specialty subjects and 10 in compulsory subjects - a total of 90 test tasks and 3 hours to work on them and copy them to the answer sheet.

👨🏻‍💻 Applicants can get a permit to participate in the test on the website of the Knowledge Assessment Agency

❗️ Applicants must come to the building where the test will be held without delay, with a passport (ID card) and a permit.

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