Institute News

The list of buildings where entrance tests for academic lyceums will be held has been announced

📌 The list of buildings where entrance tests for academic lyceums will be held has been announced

🔹 Tests will be held in the Republic of Karakalpakstan;

🔸Buildings where tests are conducted in Andijan region;

🔹Buildings where tests are conducted in Bukhara region;

🔸 Buildings where tests are conducted in Jizzakh region;

🔹Buildings where tests are conducted in Namangan region;

🔸Buildings where tests are conducted in Navoi region;

🔹Buildings where tests are conducted in Kashkadarya region;

🔸Buildings where tests are conducted in Samarkand region;

🔹Buildings where tests are conducted in Sirdarya region;

🔸Buildings where tests are conducted in Surkhandarya region;

🔹Buildings where tests are held in Tashkent;

🔸Buildings where tests are conducted in Fergana region;

🔹Buildings where tests are conducted in Khorezm region.

You can find information about the test premises in that area by selecting the relevant area indicated above on your permit.


✅ It contains the following information:

🔹 Picture of the test area;

🔹 Area entrances;

🔹 The name of the place where the test will be held;

🔹 The address of the place where the test will be held;

🔹 Building number;

🔹 Location of places on google map (geolocation).

2024-07-24 06:35:36 print