Institute News

⚡️The date and time of academic high school entrance tests have been confirmed

⚡️The date and time of academic high school entrance tests have been confirmed

☝️Attention of students and their parents who applied to academic lyceums!

📆 Entrance tests will be held on July 25-26 in two shifts in areas specially designated by the Agency for the Assessment of Knowledge and Skills.

🕒 Testing time:

➡️ July 25 - held in 1️⃣shift at 15:00;

➡️ On July 26, it will be held in 2️⃣ shifts:

1️⃣-shift at 9:00;

2nd shift starts at 15:00.

Applicants who applied to academic lyceums will receive a permit to enter the tests:

Download by logging in to his personal cabinet on the ➖ site with his login and password;

Or he can go directly to the academic lyceum to which he applied.

Applicants are asked to come to the test area at least 1 hour before the scheduled time with an identity document and a permit to participate in the test.

2024-07-24 06:05:41 print