Institute News

Tashkent State Dental Institute is expanding cooperation with technical schools

On May 23, 2024, at the Abu Ali Ibn Sina Medical College in Syrdarya region, attached to the Tashkent State Dental Institute, to study the process of keeping educational and methodological documents, to hold open lectures and master classes, and to increase the effectiveness of the organization of cooperation on the basis of mutual cooperation, they held roundtable discussions on the topics "Profession orientation", "Occupational diseases", "Blood movement in blood vessels". The meetings were held with the participation of N. Zokirova, the chief specialist of the sector of methodical assistance to academic lyceums and technical schools, I. R. Malikov, associate professor of the Department of Medical Biology and Histology, and S. Kh. Umurkulova, associate professor of the Department of Physiology and Pathology.

2024-05-24 05:14:03 print