Institute News

An interesting cultural event awaits the youth of the capital on May 16.

An interesting cultural event awaits the youth of the capital on May 16. "Book Festival-Fair" organized by the Tashkent city administration with the support of the Youth Agency - a literature and art holiday - will take place on Solim Avenue of the Anhor Canal.

🏪 Event time:

- 16:00 — Opening of the festival and beginning of book exhibitions.

- 17:00 - Public readings and master classes on creating book covers will begin.

- 18:00 — Book race begins.

- 19:00 - Nordic walking program with books.

- 20:00 — musical performances by DJs.

- 22:00 - special events for street skaters and skateboarders.

- 23:00 — closing of the festival.

🔺 Join us from 16:00 to 23:00 - admission to the festival is absolutely free. Do not miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of culture!

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