Institute News
It is known that the world of the Internet, which is developing minute by minute, and the development of information technologies, along with the fact that it makes it easier for us to sleep, are also developing side by side with its harmful consequences. Cybercrime alone and the methods of fraudsters using it are also evolving day by day. In this regard, the Directorate for Combating Cyber Crimes of the Internal Affairs System, various organizations and agencies are taking drastic measures in this regard.
On March 28 of this year, the Tashkent State Dental Institute, in cooperation with the Department of Spirituality and Enlightenment of Working with Youth and the Department of Social Sciences, Bioethics, on the topic of "Cybercrime - the problem of the times", will fight against crimes in the field of information technology in Tashkent. The next roundtable discussions were held with the participation of the officials.
In it, the specialists of Tashkent City Information Technology Department, Lieutenant Akhrolov, Sardor Erkinovich Kuchkorov, Ikhtiyor Bakhtiyorovich, and Institute Preventive Inspector Kurbanov Vahobiddin Tuygunovich, posted on social media various "Money is allocated by the state", mainly in the field of trade. The cases of being cheated by giving away money in order to increase it based on a certain agreed amount, another type of giving money in advance, and issuing online loans from 33 million to 50 million soums in the name are increasing. It is recommended not to enter links (links, ssylka) of various such actions and messages with similar content.
During the event, students received relevant information from experts on the questions they were interested in about cyber crime and its negative consequences.