Institute News

A military parade and holiday program was held on the initiative of the Center for the Promotion of Social Activity of Students and Pupils in the campus!

A military parade and holiday program was held on the initiative of the Center for the Promotion of Social Activity of Students and Pupils in the campus!

On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, "The people and the army are one body and one soul!" On January 12, at 10:00 a.m., a festive event was held on the campus.

The military parade was attended by cadets of the Armed Forces Academy and Public Security University, as well as members of the "Shield" group of the Tashkent State Dental Institute.

We invite all students and teachers to this festive event. May the upcoming holiday be blessed to all brave and brave sons of the country!

2024-01-15 12:36:32 print