Institute News
Associate Professor Ph.D., Head of the Department of Latin and Foreign Languages. Organized by M. N. Israilova and the staff of the department, an educational practical seminar on modern approaches and methodical instructions in teaching and learning foreign languages was held.
Foreign English language specialist Galleron Jeanifer Lisbo and specialist Mominova Feruza Muratdjanovna participated in the seminar. At the beginning of the event, the dean of the Faculty of Treatment E.A. Rizayev spoke and noted that learning foreign languages is a modern demand and said that this seminar will be useful for all students and pedagogues. The event was continued by the head of the department, Associate Professor M. N. Israilova, and foreign expert Galleron Jeanifer Lisbo was given the turn. During the seminar, foreign expert Galleron Jeanifer Lisbo gave a presentation on various methods of teaching and learning foreign languages.