Institute News

Minister I. Abdurakhmanov gave a speech for students, doctoral students and vice-rectors.

Minister I. Abdurakhmanov gave a speech for students, doctoral students and vice-rectors.


   Support for talented youth The "Ulugbek" foundation regularly organizes lectures, roundtable discussions and seminars by famous scientists, poets and writers, as well as representatives of the leading industry for talented students, masters, doctoral students and young scientists. seminars and trainings are being organized.

     Today, the lecture of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations, academician Ibrahim Abdurahmanov on the topic "Uzbekistan - a country where human dignity is glorified" was organized. TDSI students also participated in it.

     The chairman of the fund, academician Aqil Salimov, opened the event with an introduction and spoke about the importance of the project. The lecture was full of interesting information and took place in the form of questions and answers. Doctoral students, researchers and young scientists received answers to their questions.


2023-07-06 10:38:27 print