Institute News

On April 27-28 of this year, the 18th International Conference of Young Scientists and Student Olympiad was held.

April 27-28 in Dushanbe - the capital of Tajikistan and the Tajik State Medical University held the 18th international conference of young children and students at the Olympiad among students of dentistry. Uchastnikami Konferentsii bili sotrudni department of Chelyustno-lyceum surgery: d.m.n., associate professor Pulatova B.J., assistant Tufliev A.A., assistant Dzhakhangirova D.A.

Studenty: Khamidova Azima Ravshan girl - 4th year of the Faculty of Dentistry won 1 place for correction "children's dentistry and orthodontics": Ikramov Kamoliddin - student of 5th year of the Faculty of Dentistry for correction of maxillofacial surgery won 2 prizes. Student TGSI award-winning diploma Team TGSI - the best innovative, creative team with an award-winning certificate.



2023-04-29 07:18:59 print