Institute News

International conference with the participation of rectors of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan and Poland

An international conference was held with the participation of rectors of Uzbek-Polish higher education institutions

Rectors of more than 30 higher educational institutions, representatives of ministries and agencies from Uzbekistan took part in it. From the Polish side, the Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Charnek, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to our country Radosław Gruk, President of the Council of Rectors of Polish Higher Education Institutions Arkadiusz Mezyuk and rectors of more than 10 higher education institutions participated with their reports.

The purpose of the conference is to provide a reliable basis for the deepening of relations between the two countries in the areas of socio-political, cultural and humanitarian relations, higher and professional education, science and innovation, in particular, the development of student mobility programs and academic exchanges, sharing of achievements in the field of information technology and innovation, scientific is to strengthen relations.



2023-04-27 06:15:02 print