Institute News

Conducting inter-departmental approval of master's dissertations

A working group was formed on the basis of the order No. 07/F of March 10, 2023 on the inter-departmental approval of master's thesis works of graduate students of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry in the academic year 2022-2023.

The inter-departmental approval of master's theses was divided into 3 sections. According to him:

Section 1 ("Children's therapeutic dentistry", "Therapeutic dentistry") - Prof. Ph.D. Bekjanova O.E. (chairman), Ph.D. Prof. Daminova Sh.B., Ph.D., Prof. Kamilov Kh.P., Ph.D., Assoc. Murtazaev S.S., Prof. Shukurova U.A.

2nd department ("Orthodontics", Orthopedic dentistry") - Ph.D., Prof. Akbarov A.N. (Chairman), Ph.D. Prof. Nigmatov R.N., Ph.D. Prof. Khabilov N.L., Ph.D. Associate Professor O.R. Salimov, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ziyadullaeva N.S.

Department 3 ("Children's surgical dentistry", "Surgical dentistry", "Maxillofacial surgery") - Ph.D., Prof. Abdullaev Sh.Yu. (Chairman), Ph.D. , Prof. Shomurodov K.E., Prof. Azimov A.M.

Master's theses of the graduate course were examined in accordance with Clause VII of the Master's Regulations. According to it, the number of publications (theses and articles), formalization of the dissertation, scientific innovation, introduction to practice, readiness of the dissertation and presentation were analyzed in each student section. The results of the analysis were evaluated on a 100-point scale.




2023-04-27 05:49:49 print