Institute News

Today, February 9, it is 582 years since the birth of the thinker Mir Alisher Navoi, the sultan of speech.

Alisher Navoi made an incomparable contribution to human culture and literature with his royal works, rare divans, unique ghazals and epics. Because the priceless creations of alloma, created with high skill and unique art of words, which have great educational value, have not lost their meaning and polish over the centuries, but have become a huge spiritual heritage and a treasure of our literature.


Orazin yopqach koʻzumdin sochilur har lahza yosh,

Oʻylakim paydo boʻlur yulduz, nihon boʻlgʻach quyosh.

Qut bir bodomu yerim goʻshan mehrob edi,

Gʻorati din etti nogah bir baloliq koʻzu qosh.

Bu damodam ohim ifsho aylar ul oy ishqini,

Subhnung bot-bot dami andogʻki aylar mehr fosh.

Boʻsa-e qilmas muruvvat, asru qattiqdur labing,

Desam ogʻzi ichra aytur laʼl ham bor navʼ tosh.

Novaking koʻnglimga kirgach jon talashmoq bu ekin,

Kim qilur paykonini koʻnglum bila jonim talosh.

Umri jovid istasang fard oʻlki, boʻston Xizridur,

Sarvkim daʼb ayladi ozodaliq birla maosh.

Qoshi ollinda Navoiy bersa jon, ayb etmangiz,

Gar budur mehrob, bir-bir qoʻygusidir barcha bosh.



2023-02-09 07:10:31 print