Institute News

A new course for young TDSI specialists in "Orthopedic dentistry" and "Dental implantology".


Our lecturers:

- Гудков Владислав Эдуардович

- Алимбетов Артём Дмитриевич


The course is designed for:

practicing doctors

masters, residents

undergraduate students


🆓 the entrance is free


🗓 Date: January 19

🕰 Time: 14:00 - 17:00


🏬 Location:

The building of the administration of the TSDI, 2-hall



🇺🇿 company"Micronlab.Uz"

🇷🇺 company"Ультрастом"

🇺🇿 The educational center "Micronlab school"


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