Maxillofacial diseases and injuries
Department name: Maxillofacial diseases and injuries
Head of the Department A bdullaev Sh.Yu.:
Phone: +9989 909615954
Subjects taught at the department:
1. Maxillofacial diseases and injuries
2. Maxillofacial surgery
3. Dentistry
Professors and teachers of the department:
1. Abdullaev Sh.Yu.
2. Mahkamov ME
3. Yusupova DZ
4. Isomov MM
5. Zaynutdinov MO
6. Khalilov A. A.
7. Alimzhanov KH
8. Turakhanov SV
9. Bukharova FX
10. Khalikov A. A.
11. Gafurov Z. A.
12 Uraev Kh . A.
Scientific and methodological work carried out at the department:
1. Prevention and treatment of facial scars
2. Treatment of mandibular cysts
3. Treatment of mandibular fractures