Head of Department: Akramova Lola Yunusovna, associate professor , PhD. 


The name of the Department of “Pedagogy and Psychology” was changed in 2021 and is currently called the Department of “Uzbek Language and Pedagogy”. The department has been operating since 1974. The heads of the department were: Associate Professor AKManuilova, Associate Professor RX Niyazova ; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences K.Yu.Kilicheva, Professor B.Yu. Umarov, Associate Professor MTXalmuratova, JSSaidahmedov.

Traditionally, the department teaches subjects such as languages, pedagogy and psychology, educational technologies, and pedagogical skills for master's and bachelor's degrees. Students of the Faculty of "International Education" and subjects such as “Adaptation to education at a medical university”, “Communication skills”, “Doctor and patient” are taught. The department is led by associate professor, DSc GMAkhmedova, associate professor MTXalmuratova, senior teachers KDAlimova MSParpieva Sh.A.Raupova, assistants KO Usmonov, ZJYuldasheva, DAAbdujabbarova, GUSherzhanova.

The department cooperates with foreign universities, including KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyorov, West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M. Ospanov, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Privolzhsk Medical Research Institute, etc. Every year, under the academic mobility program, the department's teachers conduct master classes at foreign universities, and professors and teachers from partner universities visit our department. Every year, the department holds republican conferences on the topic "Current issues of teaching the humanities in medical education."

The department's staff regularly publishes educational and scientific literature. Thus, over the past 3 years, the following have been published:

1.     Akramova L.Yu., Raupova Sh.A. Psychology and pedagogy. Textbook. T:. 2022.

2.     Akramova L.Yu., Raupova Sh.A. Pedagogy . Textbook. T:. 202 3 .

3.     Khalmuratov a MT Russian language. Textbook. T:. 2023 .

4.     Textbook "Language Preparation for Clinical Practice" Khalmuratov a MT T:. 2024 ;

5.     Akhmedova GM Development of the culture of speech communication of students. Monograph. T:. 2024.

6.     Alimova KD Uzbek-Russian dictionary. T:. 2023 .

7.     Akramova L.Yu. Intensive Russian language course. Textbook. T:. 2023.

8.     Rustamova NR Conflictology. Textbook . T:. 2024 .

9.     Akramova L.Yu . Pedagogical technology and pedagogical master's degree. Study guide for masters. T:. 2024 .

The department's staff regularly publishes their articles in foreign journals included in the Scopus , Web of Science systems, and in scientific journals on the list recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of citations has reached 952.

The department's staff actively participates in the spiritual and moral education of students, holds evenings and meetings with famous scientists and poets.