Orthopedic Dentistry Propaedeutics Department


Department Head – Professor Salimov Adalhon Rustamovich

Salimov Adalhon Rustamovich – medicine sciences Doctor , Professor, Tashkent State Dentistry Institute Orthopedic Dentistry Propaedeutics Department The head of the orthopedic surgery department. dentistry in the field many​ annual to experience has is scientific​ activity during innovative research take went and local dental implants create according to works with known .

Department about

Tashkent State Dentistry Institute (TDSI ) Orthopedic Dentistry Propaedeutics Department orthopedic dentistry in the direction of education taking students for important theoretical and practical knowledge presented Department​​ dentistry in the field modern diagnostics and treatment methods to teach focused .

In the department teachable​ sciences

        Orthopedic dentistry

        Orthopedic dentistry propaedeutics

        Orthopedic to dentistry entrance

        prosthetics at defects dental ranks

        full removable протезирование , method research

        propdevt i prevention stom zabolevaniy (os),

        vvedenie v spetsialnost

Department main directions​

- To students orthopedic dentistry theoretical and practical aspects to teach

- Modern prosthesis preparation technologies current to grow

- Diagnostic research and dental apparatus with work according to practical training transfer

- Scientific research their work take to go and innovative methods current to grow

Professors and teachers composition

- Ds Department Head: Professor: Salimov Adalhon Rustamovich

- PhD Associate Professor : Alieva Gentleness Murodjonovna

- PhD Associate Professor Kamilov JA

- PhD senior bleach Akhmedov M R.

Assistants :

1.     Melikoziyev T.Sh.

2.     Makhumod M.

3.     Abdulahatov JQ

4.     Karimova SA

5.     Usmanova XT

6.     Alimov O.

7.     Bobojonova Sh.X.​

8.     Abdiova KR

9.     Rafikov KM

10. Ochilova MU

11. Jalilova FR

12. Yigitaliev Sh. O.

13. Okhunov B. M.

14. Khodjaeva IF

15. Tursunboyeva IF

16. Tolipova MA

17. Muhamedzhanova ZM

Research works

Department modern orthopedic dentistry current problems according to research their work take goes . New prosthesis materials from the test transfer , innovation​ prosthesis models working exit and clinical research done increase such as directions according to research take will go

Collaboration and international contact

Department republic and international on a scale scientific and practical dentistry centers with cooperation does that​ including foreign​ universities and scientific research institutes with experience exchange and joint​ projects done to increase attention focuses