Department of Latin and Foreign Languages

The Department of Latin and Foreign Languages was opened in 2020.


In the department teachable sciences :

Bachelor's degree :

Latin language and medical terminology

In medicine foreign language

Foreign language


Professors and teachers of the department

Safarova UA- DSc Associate Professor

Abidova MI- senior teacher

Sayfullaeva LS - senior teacher

Duldulova NA - teacher

Khodjieva M. - teacher

Uralov M. - teacher

Fayzullaev S. - teacher


Currently in the chair main 2 people in the state Associate Professor , 2 people big teacher , 4

person assistants scientific and pedagogical activity take are going . Science is based on multimedia systems used without take This is​ for sciences according to e-learning resources created . There are 3 people in the department. independent researchers scientific activity take are going .


The department has 6 classrooms during the academic year, which are well-equipped and meet sanitary requirements.

On December 23, members of the "Podari Zhizn" Volunteer Group, organized by the Head of the Department of Latin and Foreign Languages, Israilova MN, distributed New Year's gifts to children undergoing treatment in the Chemotherapy Department of the Republican Center for Children's Hematology. Pre-holiday gifts were presented to the Republican Center for Children's Hematology, headed by the Head of the Department of Oncology and Radiology, Dzhamila Shogayratovna Pulatova.



In connection with the Day of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan on November 11 and the Day of the National Flag on November 18, on November 16, 2024 at 14:30, the Department of Spirituality held an intellectual game of Intelligence for the "Trade Cup" among the professors, teachers and employees of the institute at the Simulation Center. The participating teams registered on the website and formed members with an ID number through an application. A total of 11 teams and 77 members participated. Teams without an intelligence ID were not allowed to participate in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations.

According to the results of the questions, the 3rd place was taken by the “Dentistry” team of the Academic Lyceum, the 2nd place was taken by the “Ibn Sino” team and the CUBE CUP with the highest score, and the honorable 1st place was taken by the “TDSI” team. The team was awarded with prizes allocated by each Trade Union of its members and a Diploma by the rector of the institute. We wish the teams good luck in the upcoming games.