Head of the department : t. f . d. M usaev Ulug'bek Yuldashevich .

Acceptancetime : Monday-Saturday (14 : 00-16 : 00)

Phone : 90 805 73 36


In 1923 organization built in 1923–1924 the department medicine sciences doctor , professor, G.I. Dembo led by Until the revolution was during community medicine in the field famous in the mirror . Moscow University finished​ In 1910 , at the Pirogov meeting participation " Doctors​ newspaper editor . More than 300 scientific works of author . In 1924–1930 the department medicine sciences doctor , professor, G.P. Fyodo - rov led by Famous scientist , Turkestan and Uzbek SSR health to keep organizer . At work achieved successes for chest targets with awarded​ More than 150 scientific of things author . In 1930–1933 the department medicine sciences doctor , professor, S.M. Sub inside led by in 1914 Basel of the university medicine faculty finished ​Hygienist, Citizens war participant . in 1938 medicine sciences candidate scientific level and professor scientific title given ​1933–1937 . ​- addition Physiology , pathology and labor hygiene department manager . City mine hashish health to keep section of the bureau Member of the Uzbek SSR Constitution according to edit board member ​1938–1948 . ​- ToshDavTI children and teenagers gee hyena of the department Manager . In 1934–1948 the department medical alien sciences candidate , associate professor A.Ya. Karasev (1897–1987) led . Omsk Medical Institute​ graduated from medicine theory and history of 35 cases this author . In 1949–1951 the department medicine sciences candidate , professor, S.R. Dix tyar (1894-1981) led . Moscow it university medicine faculty graduated from ToshDavTI Sanitary hygiene faculty dean . More than 40 scientific of things author . In 1952–1956 and 1963–1969 , he held the chair medicine sciences candidate , associate professor A.B. Shevelev (1894–1976) led . Saratov University medicine faculty finished , 120 scientific of the work author . In 1957–1963 the department medicine sciences candidate , associate professor S.G. It was directed by Ostrovskaya ( 1886–1978) . Leningrad Medicine institute graduated , more than 13 scientific works author . In 1969–1991 the department medicine sciences doctor , professor B.Kh. It was directed by Mag Zumov (1917–1999) . Tashkent in 1941​ state medicine institute finished​ In 1959 candidate in 1967 and doctorate dissertation protection did​ Social hygiene and Health to keep organization verb very skilled in his field specialist between 1962 and 1966 Uzbekistan Republic Health to keep minister in his position activity Uzbekistan​​ social gigi brothers and sisters society chairman as worked ​B.H. Magzumov under the guidance of 26 candidates of science and five doctors of science were hired . B.H. Magzumov from 120 more scientific articles , two monograph author , Uzbekistan In the USSR service the doctor who showed it , labor veteran , three times " Honor sign ", Second world in the war to victory added contributions for five medals and Uzbekistan government two Honorary label with awarded​ in 1990 Tashkent state medicine institute basically First and Second Tashkent state medicine institutions organization done ​1991–2005.​

I TasDavTI and 2005–2009 . ​TTA department medicine sciences doctor, professor A.S. Babadzhanov (1951-2011) directed. in 1974 TasDavTIni finished​ in 1978 candidate in 1988 doctoral dissertation​ protection made. 1991–2005. I Tashkent State Technical University Social hygiene and health to keep organization Department of Education manager and scientific secretary position in their it worked. Based on two institutes Tashkent medicine academy organization since done then, from September 2005 starting Community health, health to keep organization verb and management of the department manager in his position activity conducted. 150 more scientific of things author. His under the leadership of two doctorate and 18 nominations dissertations prepared.