Department of Social Sciences with a Bioethics Course
In 2004, the departments of “Philosophy and History of Uzbekistan”, “Economic Theory”, “Socio-Humanities” were added.
1. On July 19, 2005, the First and Second Departments of Social and Humanitarian Sciences were established at the TTA. The Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences No. 2 (reorganized) is located on the territory of the former I Tashkent State Medical Institute.
2. Vakhidova San'at Egamberdiyeva - born in 1940, Uzbek, graduated from the Department of Economics of the Tashkent Agricultural Institute in 1962, has a Ph.D. (1970), Ph.D. (1990) is the author of more than 80 scientific works, 4 monographs. Was a scientific supervisor of 2 doctors, 2 candidates of sciences. Worked at the department in 1995-2011.
3. Since September 2011, the department has been headed by Umarova Dilorom Arifovna, Ph.D., associate professor. Born in 1957, Uzbek by nationality, graduated from the Department of Political Economy of Tashkent State University in 1976, 1995 - Candidate of Economic Sciences. Subject: Formation and functioning of the labor market in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Author of 20 scientific works devoted to labor market problems.
4. In 2014, the Faculty of Dentistry was separated from the Tashkent Medical Academy and, according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was formed into the Tashkent State Dental Institute.
5. Since September 2016, the department has been headed by Sattorova Dildor Gapporovna, Ph.D., associate professor. Born in 1966, Uzbek by nationality. She graduated from the Faculty of History, Social Studies and Law of Termez State Pedagogical University in 1989, and in 2011 she defended her candidate's dissertation on the topic "Dialectic of Social Ideal and Reality". Currently, she is the author of about 200 scientific works.
6. According to the order of the rector of the Termez State Pedagogical University No. 503 AF dated October 2, 2020, based on the Resolution of the Council of the Termez State Pedagogical University No. 1, the name of the department was changed to SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH BIOETHICS COURSE.
7. Since December 2022, the department has been headed by Associate Professor (PhD) Umirzakova Nargiza Akmalovna. Born in Tashkent in 1970, Uzbek by nationality. In 1987, she graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics of Tashkent State University with honors. In May 2022, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Methodological analysis of ontological and epistemological aspects of bioethics in the context of humanization of education”. Currently, he is the author of about 300 scientific works.
l Increasing legal awareness;
l Cultivating political awareness;
l Fostering values;
l Instilling the rules of morality and etiquette;
l Understanding one's identity;
l Forming humanity;
l Strengthening patriotism;
l Strengthening the position of citizenship.
The main achievements of the department:
The teaching staff of the department actively participates in the organizational, social, and spiritual work of the academy.
The department conducts general scientific and research work on the topic "Humanization and humanitarianization of education in the Republic of Uzbekistan". On this topic, 1 doctoral dissertation (2007), 3 candidate dissertations were defended (2005, 2011, 2022), and it is planned to defend 3 more candidate dissertations within the main staff.
The geography of participation of the department members in scientific conferences is very wide, which indicates the extensive activity of the department in this area. The professors and teachers of the department actively participate in international conferences held abroad and in Uzbekistan (Iran, Switzerland, Ukraine, Ankara, Russia, Minsk, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and scientific and practical conferences held in the republican universities. Professors and teachers connect their lectures, practical classes, prepared scientific, educational and methodological developments with humanitarian ideas of the specialty, focus on the formation and upbringing of patriotism, and form a legal and bioethical culture in future specialists.