Spiritual and educational work of the faculty

One of the main activities of the faculty is to form in students moral values, interest in professional activities, the need for a healthy lifestyle, and to involve them in mass and cultural events of the university. To implement these tasks, a council of mentors operates at the faculty, which carries out its activities in accordance with the approved plan. Each group of the faculty is assigned a tutor, who is selected from among experienced teachers. In order to spend their free time meaningfully, students of the faculty, under the guidance of a tutor, are involved in public events, amateur initiatives, visit historical monuments and interesting monuments of the Republic, theaters and museums.

Students of the faculty participate in various creative competitions held in our Republic. Great attention is paid to physical education and sports. Students of the faculty attend swimming, tennis, chess, football, basketball, volleyball, national wrestling, oriental martial arts, and athletics sections operating on the basis of our university's sports complex. They also actively participate in regional and republican sports competitions.

Cultural and mass work is aimed at meaningful organization of students' free time. One of the main areas of the faculty's activity is the formation of high moral values ​​in students, the upbringing of interest in professional activities, the need for a healthy lifestyle, and the involvement of students in cultural and mass events of the university. To implement these tasks, a mentoring council operates at the faculty, its activities are carried out in accordance with the approved plan. Under the guidance of tutors, students of the faculty actively participate in public events.

"Healthy Capital" Month Meeting with Internal Affairs

Spiritual and educational work is carried out based on an approved plan, in accordance with which various events are held in conjunction with historical dates, national holidays, sports competitions, internal affairs bodies, law enforcement agencies, spiritual centers and other partner organizations.