Faculty therapeutic dentistry department

Faculty therapeutic dentistry department Uzbekistan Republic Presidential Decree No. PQ-2215 of July 22, 2014 with Tashkent state dentistry institute organization since it was done since activity walking The department staff is providing training to students and clinical residents of the Tashkent State Dental Institute in the disciplines of "Therapeutic Dentistry", "Clinical Endodontics", "Periodontology". Together with talented students of the institute , the department " Stomatologist " and Scientific and practical work is being carried out in the " Periodontologist " circle . The results of the research are constantly published in local and foreign scientific publications.

Approved scientific topic of the department: "Development and implementation of new methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth, periodontium and oral mucosa." State registration number – 011400199

In order to ensure the implementation of the orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-2956, PQ-3151, the Tashkent State Dental Institute annually organizes the "Mega Master" international scientific and practical competition for the best restoration of teeth with the support of the companies "MegaDENTA" and "NOBEL PHARMSANOAT". This competition has been held annually since 2013, and during this time more than 170 students, clinical residents and master's students studying in dentistry from various cities of Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other foreign countries have participated.

Faculty therapeutic dentistry department by stream year educational , educational-methodical , organizational methodological , treatment , spirituality-enlightenment and educational works plan based on done is coming . Faculty therapeutic dentistry department employees He has created 7 textbooks, 20 monographs, more than 40 teaching and learning manuals, more than 400 printed articles, and programs for 15 electronic computers.


Department composition: Currently, the following professors and teachers work at the department :

Bekzhanova Olga Yesenovna – Head of the Department since 2014 , PhD, Professor Bekzhanova Olga Yesenovna Born in 1962, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Health Worker of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute in 1985. Defended his candidate's thesis in 1994, and his doctoral thesis in 2008. Under the supervision of Bekzhanova O.E., 4 doctoral and 12 candidate's theses were defended. 7 textbooks, 15 monographs, more than 45 teaching and methodological manuals, more than 370 printed articles, 10 programs created for electronic computers.

Rizayev Elyor Alimjanovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, DSc., Professor. In 2021, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic " Substantiation of a person-centered treatment method based on the priority pathogenetic development mechanisms of disseminated periodontitis . "

Alimova Dono Mirjamolovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, DSc. , Associate Professor . In 2021, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Clinical and pathogenetic aspects of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of recurrent aphthous stomatitis . "

Adilova Shoira Talatovna medicine sciences candidate , associate professor . In 2000, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Use of the enzyme Kukumazim in the treatment of chronic disseminated periodontitis . "

Astanakulova Munisa Mirzoyevna – Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor. In 2019, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Improving the complex treatment of exfoliative dermatitis . "

Akhrorkhodjayev Nodirkhon Shakhobiddin oglu – Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor. In 2021, he defended his PhD dissertation on the topic "Dental status of preschool children living in the southern regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and development of preventive measures . "

Kayumova Visola Raimovna – Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor. In 2023, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Improving the treatment of salivary gland pathology in patients during the COVID-19 rehabilitation period . "

Alimova Sevara Khaitmatovna – Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor. In 2025, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic " Improving the effectiveness of treating dental hard tissue erosion in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease . "