Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of the Faculty

Head of the Department:

Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor Akbarov Avzal Nigmatillaevich

Reception hours: Monday-Friday (14:00-16:00)

Phone: (+99894) 429 59 85



Our department has the following disciplines: Faculty Orthopedic Dentistry 1, Faculty Orthopedic Dentistry 2, Digital Dentistry and Prosthetics with Removable Teeth.

Akbarov A.N.

Irsaliev K.I.

Rizaeva S. M

Arslanov O.U.

Khabilov B.N.

Irsaliev F.Kh.

Shoakhmedova K.N.

Nigmatova N.R.

Zakirova Kh.Kh.

Tillakhodzhaeva M.M.

Yarasheva N.I.

Ibragimov A. X

Yuldashev O.T.

Salavatova T.F.