Department of Neurological Diseases and Traditional Medicine
Department manager PhD . Professor, X aidarov Nodirjon Kadirovich Reception time : Monday-Saturday ( 8:00-16:00) Phone : (+99893) 6850000 Email: |
Nerve diseases and physiotherapy department ( current) at the time Nerve diseases . People medicine 2018 organization done
PhD . Professor, X aidarov Nodirjon Kadirovich
Since 2018 current until then chair manager
15 June 2018 year chair to the director first to be professor Khaidarov Nodirjon Kadirovich Appointed. 2004 year Moscow State University medicine faculty finished.
Education in the process main attention in the chair take visited scientific research with closely related in the case neurology , rehabilitation , physiotherapy in the field last to achievements focused .
in the aphedra teachable sciences :
Bachelor's degree :
Neurology ,
People medicine
Manual therapy
With Nina treatment
Clinical resident pathological neurology and children neurology specialization so far -25 people
Currently in the chair main 8 people in the state associate professor , 2 people big teacher , 10 people assistants scientific and pedagogical activity take are going .
science multimedia systems used without take This is for sciences according to e-learning resources The department has 11 employees . doctoral student and 8 people independent researchers scientific activity take are going .