Head of the department: PhD, Associate Professor Sultanov Shokhruh Khabibullayevich

Phone number: +998935140552

e-mail: shokhruh.sultanov@mail.ru

The Department of Therapeutic Sciences No. 3 was established in 2019 under the Faculty of "International Education" of the Tashkent State Dental Institute, and since its establishment, the department has been headed by Sh.Kh. Sultanov, PhD, Associate Professor.

Since the time of Sh.Kh. Sultanov, extensive work has been carried out at the department:

- The faculty base of the department was formed, for which highly qualified faculty members were recruited to the department on a competitive basis. In order to improve the material and technical base of the department, the main base of the department was created in this clinic under an agreement with the “Detoc medical” LLC. Also, agreements were concluded with the Republican Clinical Hospital of Mental Disorders under the UzResSSV and the “Mental Health” IATM Tashkent City Narcology Dispensary for use as a clinical base for conducting practical and seminar training sessions with the participation of students. For the forensic medicine direction of the department, a similar agreement was concluded with the “Forensic Medicine” RIATM under the UzRes. SSV. Today, the educational processes of the department are being carried out intensively in these clinical bases.

- During 2019-2024, 3 PhDs in medical sciences were prepared by the staff of the department and their dissertation defense was successfully completed. Also, 3 employees received the academic title of "associate professor" from the OAK. In addition, 3 young prospective professors of the department were accepted by the institute for independent research within the framework of scientific research.

- As part of the international cooperation of the department, the training of bachelors in the field of "Clinical Psychology" was launched directly in collaboration with the Orenburg Medical University, and in January 2025, the first graduates of this field successfully graduated. In 2023, a group of young scientists from the department's staff visited the "psychomotor rehabilitation" center in France and conducted research there.

- Effective contacts are being established within the framework of the academic mobility program with foreign higher education institutions that are among the world's top 1,000.

- In the 2024-2025 academic year, a clinical residency in the fields of "Psychiatry" and "Narcology" was established at the department.

Subjects taught at the department:

- Psychiatry and narcology

- Medical psychology

- Psychiatry, medical psychology and hypnosis

- Palliative care

- Legal foundations of forensic medicine and medical practice


Professors and teachers of the department:

Sh.Kh. Sultanov – associate professor of Ph.D.

FB Abdulkasimov – Ph.D., Associate Professor

NI Khodjaeva – PhD, professor

GF Gopurova – PhD, Associate Professor

TJ Akhmedov – Ph.D., Associate Professor

AT Shamsiyev – Ph.D. assistant

Sh.R. Ibragimov – PhD assistant

BB Bakhtiyarov – PhD Assistant

Sh.E. Kurbanniyazova, senior teacher

JS Babayev assistant

DA Uralova assistant

UM Gayupov assistant

Currently, the department has 4 associate professors, 1 senior teacher , and 6 assistant teachers who are engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities. The subjects are taught using multimedia systems. For this, electronic educational resources have been created for the subjects . 3 independent researchers are engaged in scientific activities at the department.

To date, the department's staff has created 2 textbooks, 3 study guides, 5 monographs, 3 methodological recommendations, and more than 20 teaching guides.