Qarshiyev Otabek Shoydil o'g'li

Center for digital educational technologies boss

  • +99833 8909797
  • bachelor
  • Every day 8 00 - 16 00

    Muradov Shaymardon Xursanovich

  • Axborot xavfsizligi bo'lim boshlig'i
  • +998903231945
  • Responsible for printer devices

    Boltaboyev Dilmurod Shuxrat o'g'li

  • Tizim administratori
  • +998998115874
  • @AbdujabboroFF
  • Responsible for computer equipment

    Xolmatov Azimjon

  • 1-toifali muhandis dasturchi
  • +998909899762
  • @Azimjon_1998
  • Responsible for wifi devices

    Babanov Ilhom

  • Kantent menejer
  • +99890000000
  • @ilhombabanov
  • Responsible for printer devices

About center for digital educational technologies

The Information Technology Center operates on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 19, 2018 No. P-5349 "On measures to further improve information technologies and communications" and the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 08 / 1-580.

  The Center is a structural unit of the Institute and carries out activities related to the implementation of information and communication technologies in educational institutions.
  The Center operates in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Decisions are carried out in accordance with the order of the rector of the institute.
  The center is directly subordinate to the vice-rector responsible for the implementation of ICT.
Tasks and functions of the center

The main tasks of the center are:
 • Provides timely information on threats to information security in higher education institutions, as well as provides recommendations on the protection of higher education institutions;
 • organizes and supervises the management of the national network "E-education";
 • monitoring the correct functioning of existing computer technology programs at the institute;
 • organization of repair and maintenance of computers;
 • control of computer operators;
 • Improving the Institute's computer resources based on modern computers and improving existing computers;
 • monitor the functioning of the Internet at the institute, email services, control the timely receipt and distribution of news;
 • field supervision, repair and verification of copying equipment of the Institute;
 • management of all the Institute’s e-learning activities and establishing links with local and foreign universities for the organization of e-learning;
 • protection of stored data and communication channels from unauthorized visits, modifications, fakes and loss;
 • ensuring modern and accurate data transmission;
 • identification of internal and external threats to information security;
 • ensuring modernity and reliability of data transmission;
 • protection of stored and transmitted data from unauthorized visits, modifications, forgery and loss;
 • protect the software from unauthorized modifications and losses;
 • management of operating systems and applications (for solving practical problems) and software;
 • protection against the dissemination of information stored, processed and transmitted through communication channels;
 •  providing privileged access to hardware, software and information resources for registered users;
 • worked with secure resources and network services
registering users in the system log and maintaining the correct user behavior based on periodic analysis of this log;

The center performs the following functions:
a) the introduction and development of information and communication technologies, ensuring their software and functioning, as well as information security:
 • implementation of measures to eliminate and prevent duplication of existing technical and software problems on computers;
 • make suggestions on the effective use of computer technology in the educational process;
 • identify the need for computer laboratories and computers, identify responsible persons and monitor the effective use of computer rooms;
 • Installation and updating of system and office software for computers used in structural subdivisions;
 • installation of the necessary software for the educational process on existing computers and maintenance of computer equipment;
 • organization of training and practical seminars on the implementation and use of information and communication technologies;

b)the organization of the effective use of the Internet Institute, control over the work of the corporate and local network:
 • maintenance of existing network devices (servers, swaps) in educational institutions;
 • connecting a PC to the local network and controlling the operation of the local network;
 • install antivirus software on computers and provide updates;
 • monitoring the continuous operation of the video surveillance system in educational institutions;
 • the provision of methodological and technical assistance to structural units on the hardware and software of the local network;
 • making suggestions to the management of the institute in the proper manner for concluding agreements with Internet access providers;
 • ensuring effective control of the use of the Internet by employees and students;
 • internet access, monitoring the continuous operation of the Internet through screens of programs and technical interconnections and taking measures to eliminate various risks;

c)improvement and continuous functioning of the official website and email service, the provision of interactive services:
 • providing employees of structural divisions with the institute's email service and monitoring their proper use of email;
 • improvement of the official website and timely provision of information on the activities of the institute by the information service;
 • ensuring continuous functioning and updating of interactive services provided by the site;

d) ensuring the integration of the Institute’s information systems into the global network, the automation of the educational process, the creation of an electronic scientific and methodological base and constant updating:
 • development of existing programs for the automation of the educational process and monitoring their effective use;
 • to organize access and access to global information and legal and educational resources;
 • timely provide information about the institute for special programs developed and implemented by the Ministry of Higher and  • Secondary Special Education;
 • monitoring the effective use of the electronic document management system introduced at the institute;
 • creation and maintenance of a database of electronic educational resources and maintaining a register;
 • software and technical assistance in the development of electronic versions of the new generation of literature;
 • creation and constant updating of electronic textbooks.

To fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the Center, the Center has the following rights:
 • request from the structural divisions of the institute materials and information related to the activities of the department;
 • to make proposals to the Institute’s management to encourage the department’s employees who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Institute, demonstrated their talents and knowledge, are actively involved in public affairs,  • have achieved success in various fields and have shown dedication;
 • if necessary, make proposals to the Institute’s management on disciplinary measures established by law for managers and senior -officials who violate the rules of information and communication technologies and information protection;
 • participation in the development of documents on the activities of the center;

 • ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Center by the decisions of the institute and the orders of the rector;
 • timely and high-quality execution of instructions given by the institute's management;
 • ensure high efficiency in all areas of activity, take an active part in the activities of the institute;
 • consider appeals of individuals and legal entities within their competence;
 • organize personal receptions for individuals and representatives of legal entities in the prescribed manner;
 • observe labor and executive discipline and official duties, ensure the implementation of annual work plans;
 • the Institute must comply with the internal rules, ethics and internal rules of the student dormitory.
 • the center may have other responsibilities in accordance with the law.

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