
About chancery and archives department

Duties of the head of the office department:


All documents from higher organizations are subject to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12 of 12.01.1999 "On measures to strengthen executive discipline", Cabinet of Ministers No. 140 of March 29, 1999 "State power of the Republic of Uzbekistan and to ensure that the documents are submitted in the order specified in the Guidelines approved by the decision on "Approval of regulatory documents on organization of management and executive control" and that each clause of the documents is fully implemented and released from control by the rector;

Registration of all types of appeals based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities", execution by the head of the department with the rector's resolution in due time and appeal to the higher organization and to ensure that reply letters are sent to the author;

Organization of all activities of the department and the work of employees;

Drawing up work plans of the department and ensuring their execution;

Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Decisions, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders, instruction letters and telephone messages, as well as orders of the rector of the institute ensure execution;

Formation and control of registration of all documents from higher organizations to the institute in the prescribed time and order, submission to the rector for resolution, delivery to executors, ensuring execution and release from control;

Ensuring formalization of documents issued by the institute in the prescribed manner;

Accounting and control of the official forms of the Institute;

Control over the sewing of the executed documents into the appropriate bundles according to the nomenclature;

All orders and orders not related to the activity of the personnel department of the rector of the institute (recruitment, transfer to another job, leave of absence, application of disciplinary punishment, termination of the employment contract, sending on business trips) in the prescribed manner registration control;

Registration of appeals of individuals and legal entities in the established order and terms, submission to the rector for resolution, delivery to executors, ensuring execution and release from control;

Forming and controlling the registration of all phone calls and letters from higher organizations to the institute in the specified time and order, submitted to the rector for resolution, delivered to the executors, ensuring their execution and release from control;

Control of the regular entry of incoming documents into the Job Flow Control system program;

Ensuring compliance with business procedures in all departments and structural structures of the Institute;

Transfer of completed documents to the archive in the specified order and time;

Conducting analysis of cases with executive discipline and appeals of individuals and legal entities, providing information about this to the rector and the monitoring and internal control department;

Thorough knowledge of information and communication technologies;

Compliance with the internal rules of the institute, rules of etiquette and dress code.


Must know:


To know the organization of work, the order of the list of collective volumes, the status of the lists of collective volumes that are permanently and temporarily stored, the terms and procedure of submitting collective volumes to the archive, the Laws, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry's Laws related to the activity of the office to know the nature of decisions, orders, orders of the rector of the Higher Education Institution, to know the annual and annual plans of the Higher Education Institution.


Qualification requirements:


Professional and organizational skills necessary for a management position in higher education institutions, leadership experience and seniority in the field of education, relevant knowledge and skills within the scope of the type of activity and powers;

Possessing exemplary personal qualities - intelligence, culture, leadership, creative abilities, politeness, organization, initiative and entrepreneurial skills, sense of responsibility, independent decision-making and work, decisive action, achieving the strategic goals of the institution to have the characteristics of provision;

It is necessary to have a higher education;

It is necessary to have at least 3 years of effective work experience in the field.


According to the classifier:


Position Name

MMSK code

Staff category

The lowest level of education





Head of the office




 Higher education

5510100, 5510300,

5510700, 5410600,


5230200, 5A230201,

5230100, 5311500,


5120300, 5231100,

5330200, 5210200,


5310100, 5310200,

5310300, 5310400,


5310700, 5310800,

5310900, 5311000 



The position of manager of the office department




To ensure that the documents entering the institute are correctly taken into account, recorded and handed over to the executors in time, and the documents issued from the institute are properly formalized;

Receive documents coming to the institute, record them in the entry book and hand them over to the head of the department for notification;

Sending documents for execution in accordance with the instructions of the rector;

To ensure that the documents sent with the signature of the rector are recorded and properly formalized;

Keeping a strict account of incoming letters to the institute, printing forms with the details of the institute;

To sew the executed documents in the appropriate collective folders in the prescribed manner;

Issuance of separate control cards for each incoming document;

After specifying the specific task of the rector in the incoming document, handing it over to the executor with a resolution and a copy of the card together with a copy of the card;

Registration of references and business trip certificates in a separate book;

Formalization of completed documents for submission to the departmental archive.

All documents from higher organizations are subject to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12 of 12.01.1999 "On measures to strengthen executive discipline", Cabinet of Ministers No. 140 of March 29, 1999 "State power of the Republic of Uzbekistan and to ensure that each clause of the documents is fully implemented and released from control by the rector, approved by the decision "Approval of normative documents on the organization of work and executive control";

Registration of all types of appeals based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities", execution by the head of the department with the rector's resolution in due time and appeal to the higher organization and to ensure that reply letters are sent to the author;

Timely fulfillment of the legal tasks of the head of the department;

Thorough knowledge of information and communication technologies;

Compliance with the internal rules of the institute, rules of etiquette and dress code.


Must know:


Understand the essence of the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Decisions, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders, instructions, modemograms and telephonegrams, as well as the orders of the rector of the institute .

Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12 dated 12.01.1999, No. 140 dated March 29, 1999, Law "On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities" and Regulations on proceedings, knowledge of guidelines and regulatory documents, internal procedures of the institute;


Qualification requirements:


Possessing exemplary personal qualities - intelligence, cultured, creative abilities, politeness and promptness, sense of responsibility, characteristics;

Having secondary special education;

It is necessary to be aware of information and data on issues related to his field.


According to the classifier:


Position Name

MMSK code

Staff category

The lowest level of education









3240100, 3350600, 3330200



Duties of the courier of the office department:


Receiving letters and documents addressed to the Higher Education Institution from the Ministry's office, other higher educational institutions and institutions, communication departments;

When receiving documents, check that the letter corresponds to the numbers placed in the folders;

Check for applications when receiving mail that is not in folders;

Distribution of documents and notices signed and registered by the rector or vice-rector of the institute to departments and departments;

Constantly acquaint the departments with the internal orders of the Institute;

On the basis of the instructions of the rector, according to the instructions of the head of the department, sign the documents in a special notebook and hand them over to the executors on time;

Bringing documents from higher organizations to the institute and delivering the sent documents to relevant organizations in the prescribed manner;

Ensuring that documents and mail are delivered to the specified address in the prescribed manner;

Receives, stores and spends postage stamps and envelopes;

Timely fulfillment of the legal assignment of the head of the department;

Thorough knowledge of information and communication technologies;

Preparation of extracts from the order and delivery to relevant responsible persons;

Registering foreign correspondence in the prescribed manner, delivering it to the relevant responsible employees with the rector's resolution and ensuring its execution;

Analyzing the daily account of all incoming letters to the department and providing information to the head of the department;

Keeping a strict account of incoming letters to the institute, printing forms with the details of the institute;

Compliance with the internal rules of the institute, rules of etiquette and dress code.


Must know:


To understand the essence of the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Decisions, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders, instruction letters and telephone messages, as well as the orders of the rector of the institute. To understand the meaning of the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Decisions, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders, instruction letters and telephone messages, as well as the orders of the rector of the institute.

Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12 dated 12.01.1999, No. 140 dated March 29, 1999, Law "On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities" and Regulations on proceedings, knowledge of guidelines and regulatory documents, internal procedures of the institute;


Qualification requirements:


To have exemplary personal qualities - intelligence, cultured, creative abilities, politeness and initiative skills;

Having secondary-special education;

It is necessary to be aware of information and data on issues related to his field.


According to the classifier:


Position Name

MMSK code

Staff category

The lowest level of education














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