Educational and methodological department of TDSI Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Law "On Education", National Program of Personnel Training, Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions and Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, Higher and orders and instructions of the Ministry of Secondary Special Education, the current Labor Code, legislation and relevant regulatory legal documents in the field of education, the Institute's Charter, decisions of the Institute's Council, rules of internal procedure, orders and instructions of the Rector of the Institute , works on the basis of the work plan of the vice-rector's orders, orders and instructions. Organization, termination and reorganization of the department is carried out by the order of the rector according to the decision of the Council of the institute.
The main goal of the educational and methodological department is to ensure the organization and control of educational and methodological work at the Tashkent State Dental Institute, to coordinate the activities of faculties, departments and departments, to ensure the implementation of State educational standards of higher education. It consists in creating an educational and methodological ground.
Main tasks of the Educational and Methodological Department
Regarding the planning of the educational process:
- ensuring quality preparation of normative documents related to the educational process and full implementation of the educational process, preparation of information, reports;
- implementation of the work of providing the necessary regulatory documents for the organization of the educational process according to educational directions and specialties;
- planning and organizing the educational process at the institute based on the established regulatory documents;
- improvement of the educational process;
- qualitative organization of the educational process, methodological provision and improvement of educational work;
- making changes to the curriculum in accordance with the state educational standards, providing practical assistance to similar higher education institutions;
- Implementation of educational work at ToshDavSI based on the curriculum and programs;
- formation of the educational process schedule and work plans, providing the educational process with the necessary normative documents;
- preparation of the plan of activities for the new academic year for the educational and educational-methodical work of the institute;
- controlling the effective use of the auditorium, laboratory rooms, sports and other areas used in the educational process;
- creation of lesson schedules based on established requirements and control of its implementation, creation of flow (potok) lesson schedules;
- making proposals for expansion, renewal, repair and supply of necessary materials for educational and laboratory bases;
- determining department jobs and hourly funds and controlling their distribution and implementation.
- organization of qualification practices;
On the control of the educational process:
- control the organization of the educational process, the implementation of the rating system and prepare reports on them;
- implementation of the rating system for evaluating and controlling student knowledge, test control and other effective, progressive methods that increase the quality of the educational process;
- Ensuring and controlling the correct use of chairs, auditorium funds and lecture halls in the TDSI area and locations;
- drawing conclusions on students' learning, analyzing current learning and the results of the Final State Attestation and preparing a report to the Institute Council on TDSI based on them;
- Preparation of information and draft decisions on educational work for the Institute Council, rector's meetings, Central Methodological Board of TDSI;
- preparation of relevant documents and orders on the organization of the educational process;
- the orders, decisions, instructions, instructions and recommendations of higher organizations on the organization and conduct of the educational process, including the decisions of the academic and rector's council, orders, orders and current instructions of the rector and vice-rector, dean's office , deliver to the department and other departments of the institute and control its implementation;
- Periodically organize seminars and consultations with academic staff in departments and faculties;
- determining the student contingent; registration of orders of students to transfer from course to course, academic leave, expulsion from studentship, reinstatement to studentship, transfer of studies from other institutions in the student's personal documents;
- analysis of student learning and attendance;
- establishing compliance of the subjects taught in the courses with the working curriculum and their content control;