Sirojiddinova Zuxra Mukaramovna

Information resource center boss

  • +998(91) 234-56-78
  • Not Yet
  • Every day 8 00 - 16 00

    Rahmatullayeva Nozimi

  • Bosh kutubxonachi.
  • +998(91) 234-56-78
  • ...

    Бекетова Любовь Георгиевна

  • Axborot-resurslari ni butlash, katologlash tirish va tizimlashti rish (1-toifali) kutubxonachi
  • +998(91) 234-56-78
  • ...

About the information resource center


In accordance with the Resolution of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Organization of Information and Library Provision of the Population of the Republic” No. PQ-381 dated June 20, 2006, the Resolution of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education No. 295 dated December 29, 2006 “On the Organization of the Activities of Information and Resource Centers” and the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-2215 dated July 22, 2014 “On the Establishment of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry”, the Information and Resource Center (IRC) began its activities on October 2, 2014.

The Information Resource Center (hereinafter referred to as the IRC) has regulatory and legal documents regulating its activities (Job Description of the Information Resource Center Staff, Work Plan for the 2024/2025 Academic Year, and the Charter of the Information Resource Center of the Tashkent State Dental Institute, approved by the order of the Rector of the Tashkent State Dental Institute No. 433/AF dated December 7, 2022).


• Ensuring users access to information and library resources;

• Creating conditions to meet the intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural and educational needs of users;

• Providing assistance in the restoration and further development of national culture, preservation of the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the people of Uzbekistan;

• Information library based on information and communication technologies ensuring mutual use of resources.


-Providing readers with prompt information and bibliographic services in accordance with the goals of the university educational process based on the wide use of library funds and information resources;

- Formation of library funds and information resources in accordance with the profile of the institute and the educational needs of readers. Organization and maintenance of reference and bibliographic equipment;

- Improving the information culture of readers, forming skills in using the IRC, its funds and resources. Preparing students to work with reference equipment, including in automated mode;

- Expanding the scope and quality of library services based on technical equipment of the IRC, computerization of library and information processes;

- The IRC organizes services for readers on a single library card, provides remote access to electronic libraries and databases.

- Provides library services to readers free of charge; provides complete information about the composition of the library fund using electronic catalogs, traditional card files, as well as other forms of library information; provides advisory assistance in searching for and selecting information sources; provides temporary use of printed works and other documents from the library funds; compiles bibliographic indexes, lists of used literature to assist in the educational work of the institute;

- prepares thematic, address and other bibliographic references; organizes book exhibitions;

- identifies and studies the information needs of teachers and students of the institute;

- forms the skills of readers to search for information and use it in the educational process;

- studies the state of provision of books by specialties and educational areas with the necessary educational documents and materials in order to regulate the accumulation of the library fund and plan the release of literature by the educational organization;

− issues from the IRC fund based on current regulatory legal acts and expert opinions of departments;

− organizes the IRC electronic catalog;

− uses advanced IRC technologies;

− coordinates work with departments, faculties, and other departments of the institute;

− conducts analytical, organizational, and advisory work to improve all areas of IRC activity.


To determine the content and specific forms of its activities in accordance with the goals and objectives set forth in the Charter;

− To develop and amend the rules for the use of the IRC;

− To ensure the correct distribution of funds allocated to the IRC (enrichment of the fund, purchase of necessary equipment for the IRC);

− To familiarize yourself with state educational standards, approved curricula of the institute;

− To obtain materials and information necessary for the IRC to solve the tasks set for the IRC from the structural divisions of the institute;

- To determine the types of compensation for damage caused by library readers in accordance with the rules for the use of the IRC;

− To determine the terms of enrichment and use of the library fund on the basis of contracts concluded with legal entities and individuals;

− To directly participate in the work of scientific conferences, meetings, seminars on library-information-bibliographic activities;


The IRBIS 64+ program server has been installed in the information resource center. IRBIS 64+ (Integrated Expanded Library Information System) is an electronic catalog and automated system of the information resource center, covering all aspects of library activities.

To automate and improve the activities of the information resource center, the use of devices and equipment based on RFID technology, “UniBook Shielded HF”, “UniBook MINI”, “UniBook SMART Box” (book retrieval, return) devices operating on the basis of RFID technology, “Unibook Cinema” (anti-theft gates) were provided with a single library card (ID card).

Computers for all users, professors, teachers and students are connected to the “Internet” network with a speed of TAS-X 600 m/b and a WI-FI system with a speed of 50 Mb.

The literature available in the TDSI ARM fund is being gradually placed on the “Single “Electronic Library” platform of higher education and scientific research institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan (

The information resource center is comfortable, bright, and equipped with the necessary modern equipment. Reading rooms for 100 seats, an open fund and a closed fund have been organized for users.

The information resource center has a total of 6,327 users, of which 5,490 are undergraduate students, 164 are graduate students, 589 are clinical residents, 405 are professors and teachers, and 20 are employees. Bright and comfortable, modernly equipped halls are available for users.

The INSTITUTE ARM has an electronic library that meets modern requirements. It is computerized for independent work of students. 

ARM departments have computers, printers, scanners, copiers, laptops and other modern electronic office equipment. 

The computer room is equipped with modern computers, which are connected to international scientific databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, Medline, EBSCO, GEOTAR-Media on the basis of contracts and are widely used. 

The computer has a QR-code version of the literature loaded on it, which allows you to download it to your mobile phone.

The Information and Resource Center of the Tashkent State Stomatological Institute works in close cooperation with the medical libraries of the largest universities in the country, the State Scientific Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Educational and Scientific Information Library Center of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

International scientific and practical seminar on "Prospects for integration of information resource centers of medical universities with foreign databases"

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