In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2215 “On the Establishment of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry” dated July 22, 2014, the Technical Operation and Economic Department began its activities on October 2, 2014.
There are regulatory and legal documents regulating the activities of the Technical Operation and Economics Department (Job Description of the Technical Operation and Economics Department, Work Plan for the 2024/2025 Academic Year, and the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry). Approved by the order of the rector No. 433/AF dated December 7, 2022 The Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry operates in accordance with the Regulations of the Technical Operation and Economics Department.
• In order to create comfortable conditions for users, i.e. students and institute staff, in all educational buildings and facilities of the institute, to install the currently required modern educational and laboratory equipment, as well as to carry out repairs in all buildings, as well as plumbing, electrical, and carpentry work, and to create conditions to meet all their needs;
• To ensure cleanliness in the territory of the institute, in the interior and exterior of all buildings, in a sanitary-hygienic condition;
• Ensuring security of all educational buildings and territories of the institute;
1.1 This Regulation provides for the organization and control of technical and economic work, coordination of the activities of faculties, departments and departments, and the creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of State educational standards of higher education.
1.2 The Technical Operation and Economic Department of the Institute of Higher Education operates based on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law "On Education", Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations, the current Labor Code, legislation and relevant regulatory legal documents in the field of education, the Charter of the institute, decisions of the Scientific Council of the institute, orders of the rector of the institute, orders, orders, and instructions of the head of the Department of Affairs.
1.3 The Technical Operation and Economic Department is one of the main structures of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry, headed by the Head of the Department of Works and subordinate to the rector of the institute.
1.4 The establishment, liquidation, and reorganization of a department is carried out by order of the rector, based on the decision of the Institute Council.
1.5 The department organizes its activities on the basis of the work plan drawn up in accordance with the Institute's Charter.
1.6 To make proposals to management to encourage employees based on their work performance or to take action for violations of labor discipline.
1.7 To ensure that orders and instructions of higher organizations and leaders are fulfilled within the framework of this regulation.
1.8 Organizing the execution of the orders and instructions of the Rector of the Institute, the tasks of the Head of the Department of Affairs.
1.9 Submission to the head of the Department of Works in the prescribed order and time.
1.10 Planning employees of the department to leave for cocktail holidays and control work activities.
1.11 Provide timely information to the head of the Department of Works on cases of violation of the technical use and business process.
1.12 Full responsibility for ensuring the timely and high-quality fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Technical Operation and Economics Department lies with the Rector of the Tashkent State Dental Institute and the Head of the Technical Operation and Economics Department.
1.13 Require other employees and departments (vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of relevant departments, heads of relevant departments) to use the equipment provided for their use with care and caution.
1.14 The activities of the technical use and economic department are under the authority of the vice-rector, TDSI rector.
1.15 The department submits relevant information on the performance of its assigned tasks to the Ministry of Health and Higher Education, Science and Innovation in the prescribed forms and terms.
1.16 Technical Operation and Economics is coordinated and controlled in accordance with the Higher Education System, the Regulations of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry, approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
1.17 The activity of the technical use and economic department is coordinated by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and is controlled in accordance with the established procedure.
1.18 The Technical Operation and Economic Department reports on the results of its activities to the Council of the Tashkent State Dental Institute and the Rector's Council at least once a year.