Alimova Dono Mirjamolovna

International Cooperation Department boss

  • + 99890 928-71-17
  • not yet
  • Every day 8 00 - 16 00

Report of the Department of International Cooperation on Foreign Students and Memorandums


Foreign students

To date, 118 foreign students are studying at the Tashkent State Dental Institute.


Among them:

Citizens of Azerbaijan - 1

US citizens - 1

Citizens of Afghanistan -8

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 41

Citizens of South Korea - 2

Citizens of Kyrgyzstan - 10

Citizens of the Russian Federation - 41

Citizens of Tajikistan - 8

Citizens of the Republic of Turkmenistan - 3

Citizens of Ukraine - 3



108 memorandums were signed with 26 countries

Russia - 31, Republic of Belarus - 7, Ukraine - 2, Republic of Kazakhstan - 15, Republic of Kyrgyzstan - 3, Republic of Tajikistan - 2, South Korea - 11, Turkey - 6, India - 4, Germany - 2, Liechtenstein Principality - 1, Japan - 1, China - 3, England - 3, Belgium - 1, France - 1, Lithuania - 1, Chile - 1, Italy - 4, Malaysia - 1, Finland - 1, Netherlands - 1, Azerbaijan - 1, Spain - 1, Egypt - 2, Czech Republic - 1, Portugal - 1,


Russian Federation

1. Moscow State Medical and Dental Institute named after A.I. Evdokimova (active)

2. ANO DPO "Bashkyria Medical Institute" (passive)

3. Samara State Medical University (active)

4. Volgograd State Medical University (active)

5. Tomsk National Research Medical Center (active)

6. National Medical Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. V. I. Shumakova (active)

7. First St. Petersburg Medical University named after I.P. pavlova (active)

8. I.I. North-Western State Medical University named after Mechnikov (active)

9. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (active)

10. Omsk State Medical University (active)

11. Far East State Medical University (active)

12. Crimean Federal University. IN AND. Vernadsky (passive)

13. People's Friendship University of Russia (active)

14. First Moscow State Medical University I.M. Sechenov (active)

15. Orenburg State Medical University (active)

16. Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav Mudrogo (active)

17. Kazan State Medical University (passive)

18. Voronezh State Medical University (active)

19. Privolzhsk Research Medical University (active)

20. Saint Petersburg State University (active)

21. Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky (active)

22. Stavropol State Medical University (passive)

23 Bashkiria State Medical University (passive)

24. Kirov State Medical University (active)

25. Kuban State Medical University (active)

26. Academician I.P. Pavlova Ryazan State Medical University (active)

27. N.I. Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov (active)

28. H.M. Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Berbekova

29. Moscow Scientific Clinical Institute named after M. F. Vladimirovsky (passive)

30. Izhevsk State Medical Academy (new)

31. South - Ural State Medical University


Republic of Belarus

1. Belarusian Academy of Post-Medical Education (active)

2. A.D. International State Institute of Ecology named after Sakharov (passive)

3. Belarusian State Medical University (active)

4. Belarusian Higher Education University (passive)

5. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (passive)

6. Belarusian State Technological University (passive)

7. National Technical University of Belarus (passive)



1. Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Gorbachevsky (active)

2. State scientific institution "Center of innovative medical technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" (active)


Republic of Kazakhstan

1. Republican Academy of Medicine (active)

2. Association of endodontists and periodontologists of Kazakhstan (active)

3. S.D. National Medical University of Kazakhstan named after Asfendiyarova (active)

4. Kazakhstan - Russian Medical University (active)

5. Kazakhstan Higher Medical School (passive)

6. Karaganda Medical University (active)

7. South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (active)

8. Astana Medical University (active)

9. Semey Medical University (passive)

10. VSHOZ Kazakhstan Medical University (active)

11. Western-Kozogistan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov (active)

12. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Hodji Ahmed Yassavi (active)

13. Association of Dentists of Kazakhstan

14. Western-Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov

15. South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezova


Kyrgyz Republic

1. International Higher Medical School (passive)

2. Osh State University (passive)

3. Kyrgyz State Medical University named after I.K. Akhunbaboyev


Republic of Tajikistan

1. State Medical University of Tajikistan named after Abu Ali ibn Sina (passive)

2. Scientific and clinical institute of stomatology and maxillofacial surgery


South Korea

1. Yonsei University and Dental Colleges (active)

2. Seoul National University and Dental Clinic, Dental Hospital, (active)

3. All in One Bio Company (Passive)

4. Busan National University (active)

5. Kyung Hee Universities and Dental Colleges (active)

6. Seoul National University School of Dentistry (active)

7. College of Dentistry, Kyung Pook University (active)

8. OSSTEM IMPLANT company (asset)

9 Chongbuk National University (active)

10. Dental Servic International (active)

11. Cha University School of Medicine (active)



1. Ankara National University (active)

2. University of Medical Sciences (active)

3. Karadeniz Technical University (active)

4. Istinia University (active)

5. Aksaray University

6. Medipol University




2. "Sarvodaya" clinic (passive)

3. MLD MEDICARE company (passive)

4. Savita Dental College (Passive)



1. Orochemi company (asset)

2. Megadenta company (asset)

3. Ivoklar Vivadent Company (asset)



1. Kochi University (Active)



1. Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Dentistry (passive)

2. Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong (passive)

3. "Hentsjian" Beijing Institute (passive)



1. Birmingham City University (passive)

2. Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (passive)

3. Norwich University



1. Free University of Brussels (passive)



1."Institute of Management Management (passive)



1. Inspector research company



1. Lithuanian University of Medical Sciences (passive)



1. Talka University (active)



1. Fona medical equipment production company (active)

2. Turin University of Dentistry (active)

3. Polytechnic University of Turin (passive)

4. University of Milan (active)



1. University of Malaya (Active)



1. JAMK University of Applied Sciences (University of Applied Sciences) (active)



1. Azerbaijan Medical University (passive)



1. Adema University (active)



1. Damanhour Cancer Center (Active)

2. The Fadia Association survives and develops (active)



1. University of Palakia (active)



1. University of Coimbra (active)




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