Institute News

11.04.2022 | 03:19 Yangiliklar

A “Job Fair for Students” was held on April 7 in a Japanese park with the participation of university administrators and students.

08.04.2022 | 02:57 Yangiliklar

Вниманию докторантов и самостоятельных соискателей ТГСИ, институтов последипломного образования при ВУЗах, республиканских научно-исследовательских институтов и исследовательских центров!

07.04.2022 | 17:26 Yangiliklar

April 7, 2022 hosted the Second Republican International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the International Health Day on "Modern achievements and prospects for the protection of public health."

07.04.2022 | 17:22 Yangiliklar

On April 7, 2022 at the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry was held a meeting with representatives of the health departments of Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions.

07.04.2022 | 17:15 Yangiliklar

"Build your future, be smart with money!" training under the motto

07.04.2022 | 17:07 Yangiliklar

To the attention of doctoral students and independent researchers!

07.04.2022 | 17:02 Yangiliklar

On April 6, 2022, the 8th meeting of the Council of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry was held.

06.04.2022 | 03:08 Yangiliklar

Nicolas Meyry Visited Tashkent State Dental Institute Export and International Sales Manager at Produits Dentaires (PD) SA Vevy, Switzerland.

02.04.2022 | 02:53 Yangiliklar

Employees of the TSDI and the German guest Dr. Detlef Fexner visited the secondary school No. 155 of Yashnabad district of Tashkent.

31.03.2022 | 11:42 Yangiliklar

Toshkent Davlat Stomatologiya Instituti Darxon o'quv markazi bilan hamkorlikda "DARXON-TDSI" o'quv markazi ochilyotganini e'lon qiladi.

31.03.2022 | 09:17 Yangiliklar

Teachers of the department "Latin and foreign languages" of the Tashkent State Dental Institute visited secondary school No. 155 of the Yashnabad district of Tashkent.

31.03.2022 | 03:17 Yangiliklar

Республиканская студенческая научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «Дни молодых учёных»

29.03.2022 | 06:37 Yangiliklar

Англия – Узбекистан: новые пути сотрудничества в развитии медицинского образования и науки

25.03.2022 | 10:36 Yangiliklar

"Teacher training conference on the theme CEFR".

25.03.2022 | 07:56 Yangiliklar


17.03.2022 | 11:30 Yangiliklar

Belarus davlat tibbiyot universiteti professori Toshkent davlat stomatologiya institute talabalariga Endodontik davolashning zamonaviy usullari haqida ma’ruzalar o’tadi