Institute News

14.02.2022 | 06:47 Yangiliklar

Туркиянинг ҳамкорлик ва координация агентлиги (TIKA) тиббий илм – фанни ривожлантиришга кўмаклашади

14.02.2022 | 06:45 Yangiliklar

Тошкент давлат стоматология институти ишчи гуруҳи Жиззах вилоятининг олис ҳудудларида тиббиёт соҳасидаги муаммо ва таклифларни ўрганди ва тиббий кўриклар ташкил қилди

08.02.2022 | 12:48 Yangiliklar

Today, a delegation from Koryo University visited the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry.

29.01.2022 | 07:08 Yangiliklar

Open dialogue with students at the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry on January 28, 2022.

29.01.2022 | 05:57 Yangiliklar

A delegation of the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkey headed by the Chairman of the Higher Education Council of the Republic of Turkey Erol Ozvar is currently visiting Uzbekistan.

29.01.2022 | 05:47 Yangiliklar

Today, the leadership of the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry headed by the Rector Khaydarov Nodir Kadyrovich visited the clinical base of the Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology.

13.01.2022 | 16:02 Yangiliklar

Toshkent davlat Stomatologiya institutida “14-yanvar-vatan himoyachilari kuni” munosabatli bilan “Vatanim ravnaqi yo‘lida mening hissam” mavzusida onlayn suxbat tashkil etildi

13.01.2022 | 16:00 Yangiliklar

14-yanvar - "Vatan himoyachilari kuni" munosabati bilan hamda qishki taʼtil vaqtida yoshlarning boʻsh vaqtini mazmunli tashkil etish va intellektual salohiyatini yuksaltirish maqsadida online Zakovat oʻyinlariga barcha talabalarini taklif etamiz.

13.01.2022 | 15:54 Yangiliklar

Toshkent davlat Stomatologiya institutida qishki ta’til davrida talabalarning bo‘sh vaqtini mazmunli o‘tkazish maqsadida "Shaxsiy rivojlanish va o‘zlikni anglash" mavzusida onlayn suxbat tashkil etildi

13.01.2022 | 10:19 Yangiliklar

Assistant of the Tashkent state Dental institute has become a participant of the international program of the global challenges research fund (GCRF)

29.12.2021 | 00:00 Yangiliklar

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry and the Al-Farabi National Medical School of Kazakhstan.

09.12.2021 | 15:44 Yangiliklar

Webinar on the topic «disability as a social problem of modernity».

09.12.2021 | 15:39 Yangiliklar

A round discussion was held on "Women's rights and gender equality".

09.12.2021 | 15:27 Yangiliklar

Education and International Certificates Scientific Conference

09.12.2021 | 12:37 Yangiliklar

An agreement was signed between TDSI and Rudn University to expand cooperation

29.11.2021 | 07:48 Yangiliklar

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