Institute News

11.03.2022 | 08:43 Yangiliklar

It is possible to employ foreign graduates of the institute

10.03.2022 | 06:03 Yangiliklar


06.03.2022 | 06:50 Yangiliklar

Today, the scientific and practical conference "Digitalization in teaching the humanities in higher medical education" was held at TDSI.

06.03.2022 | 06:43 Yangiliklar

A cooperation agreement has been signed between the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry and the prestigious Istinya University of Turkey.

25.02.2022 | 15:17 Yangiliklar

At the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry, the week of "Crime Prevention" continues at the departments.

25.02.2022 | 15:07 Yangiliklar


25.02.2022 | 14:53 Yangiliklar

On February 24, the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry organized an open dialogue with the Faculty of Dentistry.

25.02.2022 | 14:21 Yangiliklar

Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry hosted the 7th Scientific Council on 23.02.2022.

21.02.2022 | 07:53 Yangiliklar

On February 18, 2022, demonstration classes were held in 23 schools of the Yashnabad district.

21.02.2022 | 07:53 Yangiliklar

On February 18, 2022, an international online conference “Current Issues in Pediatric Dentistry and Prevention” was held among universities.

17.02.2022 | 12:48 Yangiliklar

The Department of Therapeutic Dentistry invites you to an international online conference.

14.02.2022 | 06:47 Yangiliklar

Туркиянинг ҳамкорлик ва координация агентлиги (TIKA) тиббий илм – фанни ривожлантиришга кўмаклашади

14.02.2022 | 06:45 Yangiliklar

Тошкент давлат стоматология институти ишчи гуруҳи Жиззах вилоятининг олис ҳудудларида тиббиёт соҳасидаги муаммо ва таклифларни ўрганди ва тиббий кўриклар ташкил қилди

08.02.2022 | 12:48 Yangiliklar

Today, a delegation from Koryo University visited the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry.

29.01.2022 | 07:08 Yangiliklar

Open dialogue with students at the Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry on January 28, 2022.